Creativity is Self-Expression

Whether you’re an artist, a writer, an entrepreneur, an athlete, or in any other walk of life, your creativity is your ability to express your individuality. Creativity is problem-solving, inventiveness, innovation, and often leadership as well. To live well, we all need to be as free and powerful in our creativity as possible. What’s more, because creativity is… Continue reading Creativity is Self-Expression

Young People Need Our Help

Whether we have our own children or not, we must offer ourselves to our younger selves. Not to direct them, but to offer them companionship, reflection, and to share our experience. I got drunk for the first time at the age of nine. I was drinking alcohol regularly in junior high school, when I was… Continue reading Young People Need Our Help

Categorized as manifesto

Fear is Just a Message


Fear is nothing to be afraid of. Most often it’s fear of the unknown, of randomness, our fear of fear itself. We feel that our fear might be a signal of serious risk, and that possibility makes us turn away. If we learn to discern the very rare signals of real danger from the much more common fears… Continue reading Fear is Just a Message