Multi-sport athlete panel at The Battery

In October 2017 I hosted a panel discussion at the Battery with two of my favorite multi-sport athletes. We talked about what it means to be an athlete, creativity and sport, and began a conversation about bringing skills from one sport to another. Daniela Moroz, two-time world-champion kiteboard racer, winner of the Rolex Yachtswoman of the… Continue reading Multi-sport athlete panel at The Battery

December 2017 in Brazil with SurfinSemFim

Some of my favorite memories are from long distance kitesurfing trips on the northern coast of Brazil. I’ve done several trips there with SurfinSemFim and I’ll be returning December 10-16, 2017 to lead my favorite trip of all: from kite mecca in Preá through the amazing Parnaiba Delta to Atins, a magical village with great kiting… Continue reading December 2017 in Brazil with SurfinSemFim

The Long Distance Experience on the Here Be Dragons podcast

Soon after we released the SurfinSemFim kitesurfing documentary about long distance kiting in Brazil, I was interviewed on the fantastic Here Be Dragons kitesurfing podcast. On his show, Bjoern digs up the details on some of the most interesting kite destinations around the world, and I’ve learned a lot listening to his episodes about South Africa and Chile, just to… Continue reading The Long Distance Experience on the Here Be Dragons podcast