Purpose, Intuition, and Freedom on the Ellis in Wunderland podcast

Here’s a interview that I recorded a few weeks ago with Georgia Ellis of Blue Chip Minds for her outstanding Ellis in Wunderland podcast.  PURPOSE: Our basic purpose is to be ourselves as much as possible. Intuition is the only voice that will speak out purpose. FEAR: Fear is a voice of “no”, and intuition… Continue reading Purpose, Intuition, and Freedom on the Ellis in Wunderland podcast

Depression, Purpose and Intuition on the People of Purpose podcast

I met Tanur Badgely at a writing workshop in mid-2019, and we got back together recently to record an episode for his outstanding People of Purpose podcast. Dogs are always happy because “a dog’s purpose is to do dog well” — they can do “dog” without thinking, and so they are happy automatically. Our problem… Continue reading Depression, Purpose and Intuition on the People of Purpose podcast

Depression is a symptom of not living well

SSF Ironman / photo: Bruna Arcangelo

Like many other words, “depression” is over-used to the point of fatigue. What does it mean to be depressed? All of us feel down at various times in our lives. Those ups and downs are perfectly normal, and in our modern world we’ve come to believe that any down might qualify as a condition to… Continue reading Depression is a symptom of not living well