What is Intuition?

Intuition is your inner vision. It’s that quiet voice inside from a part of yourself that sees everything you do and, most often, knows what is right—but can’t speak to you directly. Intuition is embodied cognition—it’s your body thinking. Intuition is pattern recognition. It’s sensing the shapes and movements of the world as they surround… Continue reading What is Intuition?

What the Body Wants

Paragliding in Baixo Guandu, Brazil

How do you know what you really want to do—what’s actually good for you? What the body wants is not always clear to the mind, and it’s often not the same as what we think we want. When we feel confused, it’s often because our heads and our bodies want different things. Many of us… Continue reading What the Body Wants

Purpose, Intuition, and Freedom on the Ellis in Wunderland podcast

Here’s a interview that I recorded a few weeks ago with Georgia Ellis of Blue Chip Minds for her outstanding Ellis in Wunderland podcast.  PURPOSE: Our basic purpose is to be ourselves as much as possible. Intuition is the only voice that will speak out purpose. FEAR: Fear is a voice of “no”, and intuition… Continue reading Purpose, Intuition, and Freedom on the Ellis in Wunderland podcast