Purpose, Intuition, and Freedom on the Ellis in Wunderland podcast

Here’s a interview that I recorded a few weeks ago with Georgia Ellis of Blue Chip Minds for her outstanding Ellis in Wunderland podcast.  PURPOSE: Our basic purpose is to be ourselves as much as possible. Intuition is the only voice that will speak out purpose. FEAR: Fear is a voice of “no”, and intuition is a voice… Continue reading Purpose, Intuition, and Freedom on the Ellis in Wunderland podcast

Purpose, Intuition, and Freedom on the Ellis in Wunderland podcast

Here’s a interview that I recorded a few weeks ago with Georgia Ellis of Blue Chip Minds for her outstanding Ellis in Wunderland podcast.  PURPOSE: Our basic purpose is to be ourselves as much as possible. Intuition is the only voice that will speak out purpose. FEAR: Fear is a voice of “no”, and intuition… Continue reading Purpose, Intuition, and Freedom on the Ellis in Wunderland podcast

Depression, Purpose and Intuition on the People of Purpose podcast

I met Tanur Badgely at a writing workshop in mid-2019, and we got back together recently to record an episode for his outstanding People of Purpose podcast.  Dogs are always happy because “a dog’s purpose is to do dog well” — they can do “dog” without thinking, and so they are happy automatically. Our problem is that… Continue reading Depression, Purpose and Intuition on the People of Purpose podcast