Growing up in San Francisco, I don’t remember much sun. We natives were born into the fog and loved it as our own. To go to the beach you had to go to Santa Cruz. I think back and I can clearly see the blowing grey wet, not quite rain but enough to darken the… Continue reading I was a teenage boozehound—
until age 48
Author: Bowen
I was a teenage boozehound—
I used to love shopping
Shopping was a big part of life for many years. I didn’t get it from my parents or my friends. My parents weren’t acquisitive. My dad would buy things for hobbies: sailing gear, climbing gear, cameras and lenses, a sextant, a motorcycle, a table saw, a planer, a router. My friends weren’t shoppers. I can’t… Continue reading I used to love shopping
Kitesurfing Adventure Skills in Brazil, Dec 1-8 2018
I first visited Brazil on a kitesurfing trip in 2008, and I’ve been doing kite trips there with with SurfinSemFim since 2015. Over these last few years I’ve traveled the entire northern coast of Brazil by kite, from Natal to Sāo Luís, and I’m now designing and leading custom trips in some of my most favorite places along the way. For… Continue reading Kitesurfing Adventure Skills in Brazil, Dec 1-8 2018