2018 Kitesurfing trips in Brazil

I first visited Brazil on a kitesurfing trip in 2008, and I’ve been doing kite trips there with with SurfinSemFim since 2015. Over these last few years I’ve traveled the entire northern coast of Brazil by kite, from Natal to Sāo Luís, and I’m now designing and leading custom trips in some of my most favorite places along the way. For… Continue reading 2018 Kitesurfing trips in Brazil

Bowen on the Jeff Schlarb podcast

Fellow Battery member, podcaster and top-notch interior designer Jeff Schlarb called me out of the blue and invited me in for an interview on his show. I’m very grateful for unexpected invitations like this, and I admire what Jeff is doing a lot. You can play it right here or on Jeff’s site https://www.jeffschlarb.com/bowen-dwelle/ Jeff… Continue reading Bowen on the Jeff Schlarb podcast