All last week we waited for the clearing after days of rain. On Thursday morning I could see the summit of Mt Tam first thing in the morning. I saw wings in the air as I drove up to the west ridge, and found the little parking lot full of fellow pilots. I rigged quickly… Continue reading Flying, Flow and Awareness
Author: Bowen
Choose Freedom
What is happiness? It turns out, we’re not meant to be happy all the time, at least not if we mean joy, pleasure, positivity, and satisfaction. As I learned from John Daniels’ great book Rogue River Journal, “Happy” has the same linguistic root as “happen” — “Haps are what happen, and so happiness amounts to… Continue reading Choose Freedom
Telling the Truth, and Real Connection on the Euphoric podcast
Fellow coach and founder of Euphoric Alcohol-Free, Karolina Rzadkowolska hosts a blog and podcast about the euphoric and vibrant life that she has discovered. We had a great conversation a while back that is still very relevant. Some of the topics that we cover in our conversation: How drinking ‘helped’ me start my own business… Continue reading Telling the Truth, and Real Connection on the Euphoric podcast