Choose Freedom

Flow Forum under the Golden Gate bridge

What is happiness? It turns out, we’re not meant to be happy all the time, at least not if we mean joy, pleasure, positivity, and satisfaction. As I learned from John Daniels’ great book Rogue River Journal, “Happy” has the same linguistic root as “happen” — “Haps are what happen, and so happiness amounts to… Continue reading Choose Freedom

Telling the Truth, and Real Connection on the Euphoric podcast

Fellow coach and founder of Euphoric Alcohol-Free, Karolina Rzadkowolska hosts a blog and podcast about the euphoric and vibrant life that she has discovered. We had a great conversation a while back that is still very relevant. Some of the topics that we cover in our conversation: How drinking ‘helped’ me start my own business… Continue reading Telling the Truth, and Real Connection on the Euphoric podcast